A. New Evidence |
2. The Rabe-Bemis Diving Expedition in August 2000 |
2.3.4 The starboard front bulkhead - Page 5 |
Whenever possible parts of the drawing – indicated by numbered arrows – shall be additionally explained by images both from the 1994/1996 and the 2000 footage. |
Arrow 1
The deck opening for the hydraulic actuators of the visor. The arrow points to the remain of the deck beam at frame 159 which had to be cut through, otherwise the visor could not have moved further forward. |
Arrow 2
Part of the green forecastle deck pushed forward and folded together, almost beginning to roll, when the movement stopped. The wire visible to the left of the image is the starboard preventer wire of the bow ramp. The clearly cut and very straight contours of the deck piece are remarkable. |
Arrow 3 The initial inside of the front bulkhead - painted white and starting to roll – see also further aft - the port front bulkhead showing a similar but more advanced picture. |