The ROV Inspection on 02.10.94
As soon as the weather permitted Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) equipped with video cameras were sent down to the wreck on 02.10.94 and produced remarkably sharp pictures, which showed, among other things, that the visor was missing and that its hinges and locking devices were broken. Apparently two ROVs were used which were given the names "Jutta" and "Siimo" and which produced an unknown number of video films of which three films are available. These are:
video 1 (Jutta 2) 02.10.94 1 hour 9 min.
video 2 (Jutta 1) 02.10.94 3 hours 4 min. 28 sec.
video 4 (Siimo 1) 02.10.94 2 hours 56 min. 40 sec.Copies of these three videos were handed over to this 'Group of Experts' in March 1995 by the Finnish part of the JAIC as "raw material". This turned out to be untrue, because relevant parts, e.g. showing the starboard hull and unknown objects on the bottom of the sea, had been cut out. Therefore a professional examination of the video films by experts has been conducted and revealed that the films have been cut frequently, mostly up to 3 minutes, sometimes up to 17 minutes. The cuts deleted footage taken when the ROVs were inspecting parts of the wreck and also debris on the sea bottom. Consequently it has to be assumed that the most interesting parts permitting conclusions have been cut out of the "raw" material.
The results of the professional examination of all available video films are outlined in Subchapter 34.6 - "Investigation Report of Video Tapes featuring the Car/Passenger Ferry "Estonia" by Disengage/UK. They indicate among other things that there were other activities around the wreck in progress.
The ROV Inspection on 05.10.94On 05.10.94 the Finnish vessel TURSAS and the Estonian vessel EVA-200 allegedly started the search for the visor and according to the book "The Unfinished Logbook" by Andi Meister the video films showed the various parts on the sea bottom which had fallen off the ESTONIA as she was drifting towards her sinking position and possibly also already before.
These video films are not available. Reference is made to the explanation in Chapter 24 and the relevant enclosures.
The ROV Inspection on 9/10.10.94On 09.10.94 and 10.10.94 the ROVs were sent down again to film particular parts of the wreck more in detail, but also the sea bottom.
The result - as far as it is known - was video film III - 4 hours 5 minutes long - and the detailed examination by the video experts has revealed that also this "raw" material has been cut in four places, viz.
09/10/94 | 19.17.33 | |
09/10/94 | 19.17.51 | |
09/10/94 | tape 3 cut at seabed | |
09/10/94 | 21.55.53 | |
09/10/94 | 22.21.24 | |
09/10/94 | tape 3 cut at P side bow | |
09/10/94 | 22.22.49 | |
10/10/94 | 00.52.04 | |
10/10/94 | tape 3 cut near bow | |
10/10/94 | 00.57.52 | |
10/10/94 | 02.15.14 |
It has to be assumed that the parts showing the visor were cut out. Nevertheless video III is the most productive of all videos made by ROVs as will be shown later.
It is, however, most interesting to note that in particular all footage of the area of the starboard hull in way of 0-deck, approximately between frames 80-120, has been deleted from all the available videos.
Otherwise the films show pictures of high quality which are of great value for the investigation. As not all the locations of relevance were accessible for ROVs it was decided therefore - and for other reasons - to have the wreck examined by divers and again filmed by ROVs between 1st and 4th December 1994 (see Chapter 27).